
Priority Document Prep accepts payment by Melio, money order, check, or (in person only) cash. If paying by check, it must clear before work will start.

For Melio, click here. For all other forms of payment, please see your invoice or contact us for where to remit.


Priority Document Prep can price your project by its size or bill you an hourly rate based on the work being done.

PDP will bill half of the total (estimated) cost at the start of the project, and work will begin after payment is received. An invoice for the remaining balance will be sent upon completion of the project. For established, high-volume clients, alternate payment methods such as a monthly invoice may be considered.

Until PDP receives payment in full, we retain copyright ownership of all work performed on the project, and it may not be legally published, distributed, or otherwise utilized until payment has been received in full. Upon payment, PDP automatically relinquishes any copyright claims to the work.

Unless otherwise specified in writing, invoices not paid within 30 days of the invoice date will accrue interest at 1.5% per month. Client agrees to pay for each check returned for insufficient funds or any other reason $25 per occurrence or 5% of the value of each returned item, whichever is greater. Client agrees to pay all reasonable attorney’s fees if any account is placed with an attorney for collection.

For more specific terms, please reference your individual contract.